Thursday, December 29, 2016

Opal Gemstone Myths and Beliefs

The rainbow colored White Opal Gemstone which is traditionally the birthstone of October and which is usually provided in the given in the commemoration of the 14th wedding anniversaries. Is actually told to dispel fear and raise one insight.
Opal has it has been told over and over again, but just a reminder, is gotten from the Latin word “opalus” meaning “stone”. They are generally very interesting stones found in many color variations. The most common being the milky white stone which holds rainbow colored arrays that sparkle in the light. Mythically they were once believed to have dropped from the heavens by many cultures across the world trying to give an explanation of the beauty of those eccentric colors found on the stone. They can as well be found in red yellow indigo and blue, with the most rare and most expensive being the Black opals which are considered to hold extreme luck.
A common myth goes that if the wearer of this stone was not born during the October month, then definitely the result would be misfortunes hitting them in their life. This myth was widely brought and spread by one Sir Walter Scott an author, where in one of his book called “Anne of Gerstein” he gives credit to the major character’s sudden death to the reason that she had an opal stone yet she was not born in the month of October! The good thing is that that famous myth then was dispelled of its unlucky forces that were put under publication in the last two hundred years.
Some of the other myths concerning the Opal include things like rubbing it across the forehead helps to alleviate the memory of a given individual this was in ancient India. While on the other hand, monarchs in ancient Greece used it when making prediction of the future events. Other cultures also had myths concerning the Opal, for example some believed that it could ward off nightmares.
The Romans also had their own myths on Opal. They believed it to be a sign of unity, love and purity. And it’s also documented historically that Cleopatra had to put on an Opal so as to get the attention of Mark Antony. She normally made sure that she had an Opal during Mark Antony visits. Asians also saw an Opal as a symbol of loyalty and hope. All these are just a few examples of the myths people had about Opals since ancient times.
The Opal Gemstone still holds these meaning to different people. Currently the belief that holds among many individual is the ability of this stone to dispel fear and raise a person’s insight. It’s hard for an individual who believes in something to be suddenly changed by a given opinion. Not especially when some of these believe is inherited. What remains to be a fact is that what we believe is actually the truth to us. If we go against them then definitely we go the bad way. But for real the Opal Gemstone hold important place in these believes.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Opal Gemstone the Unusual Gemstone

Opals Gemstones stand out from the rest because of some characteristic, not being clear, porous and the high percentage of water in them yet when you glance at them they are not even special at all. It might appear to you like some bland stone until it starts emitting an array of different colors that’s when you will gaze at this unusual Opal Gemstone with astonishment. The many sparkling color arranged in the surprising beauty of the mighty rainbow is one of the traits that actually make this stone stand out from the rest.
It would then make you understand why for ages this unusual stone has been referred to as the magical stone and in most cases highly valued. But this did not take time until some forces came with another different story that this stone actually brought bad luck! The pricing of these beautiful stones crumpled. However this did not go on forever for the characteristics of this unusual stone brought it back to people’s lives, and in these days, they are no longer seen as bad omen.
Nowadays, one would be able to make a choice among a solid stone which would be more costly. The idea is to own these unusual Gemstones, some research is actually needed to find out about the type and pricing. By doing this one would definitely get that which is within their need and suitable enough to fit the occasion they want them for. Pricing aside, these precious and unusual stones are prone to get damaged or cracked. First they have cracks that once filled with water; damage in form of a crack is irrevocable.  Hence these unusual stones require care at all times.
Having been told that they are but a good present to those people born in October, these stones can literally be a good present for these people. You can get a present in form of a birthstone necklace and this could do the trick.  Just imagine a situation where you have a partner, who was born in this month, definitely it would be wonderful to get them a present from the Opal Gemstone. This would reveal the unusual care you have for them and it will be a very outstanding move.
Still, history apart this unusual Opal Gemstone have some power in them. All you will need is to hold a belief and what you wish from them will as well happen to you. Perhaps it might not be in a deeper sense but basic beliefs like looking at the necklace a lover bought you and affirming yourself that you will remain true to it might be what am referring to. The beauty in colors of the Opal Gemstone is not only appealing to the eye of those who know what beauty is all about, but might as well give you the confidence that you need in any engagement. It might be a weeding or any other party, but for sure the attention will be there. This unusual stone will attract the attention that people will actually envy.

How to Select a Quality Australian Gemstone Opal

The Australian Gemstone Opals hold the attraction that has won the affection and admiration of many. These unique opals are found in the Australian Outback which is a rough terrain with harsh weather conditions. Though not known to many, the unfriendly weather conditions have actually guarded Australia’s sublime opals and nurtured them to be even more elegant giving them the look of being created by the power beyond us.  Australia is the number one supplier of these special opals due to the reason that its outback holds plenty of them.
In other parts of the world, there are opals that are also found in dry areas, but shockingly they are not comparable to the Australian ones, for the main reason that they do not have the fire and the display of colors found in the latter.  This makes them to cost less and mostly they are made into doublets and triplets. Precious opals are found in places that have actually very dry condition in that water is extremely hard to get making those opals found here to be more expensive than the rest.
The number of people who have an interest in opal jewelry is just big. The Australian opal rings are in high demand to buyers lately especially for the reason that they cater for both men and women. They have fewer complicated designs and are simple and classic in their design, making them stand out from the rest.
The most demanded Australian gemstone opals for both sexes are the popular black opals. They are either set in silver or gold and are very appealing to look at. The difference between the black opal and the metal and the black opal makes them stand out and a spark of fire that comes from it gives the owner a feeling of more powerful yet at still at peace.
For the women folk, the most popular selection comes to Australian opal rings are the opals which are inlaid in thin metal and are surrounded with diamonds. This kind of ring makes the gemstone opal stand out from a shiny white frame giving it a glow look. Due to its sophisticated beauty, most women go looking for this piece of opal.
For those that might not have a lot of money to spend on the black opal, then the good news is that there are cheaper options, these opals rings are doublets or even triplets. For the doublets the slices of precious opal are made in use. They are then sandwiched in ironstone which makes the finished piece resemble a solid

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Properties of Opal gemstones

The Opal gemstone is one that has grabbed the attention of many, some praise it simply because of its glamorous beauty while others could swear by its spiritual properties. The Opal stone has its history dated millions of years back and is an amorphous form of silicon with a chemical formula SiO2.nH2O. It’s one of the few rocks that have developed love throughout the world especially when it comes to meditation and spiritual properties and everyone is convinced of the fact that these gemstones hold immense energy.
For the physical properties, the Opal is quite a thing and it holds a original crystalline structure. The water content is one of the reasons that actually maintain its appeal and when lost, the stone may go cloudy or worse crack. The different Opal varieties have slightly varying hardness but it typically dances at 7 on the Mohs scale which makes it quite a delicate rock compared to the hard champion diamond at 10. This makes it very sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture.
Apart from the physical properties, the opal gemstones boast of metaphysical qualities and the different color variations of the rock are used for different spiritual gains but generally the water content collates with your emotions, amplifies your feelings and clears the imagination. The crystal can help you realize your glowing inner flames and motivate the development and improvement of spiritual and mystical pursuits.
Fire Opal complements the active positive thinker well. They fill the soul with great joy and encourage the flow of emotions. The orange red tones have a wide impact on the psyche and they channel peace and harmony with the overall effect of the stone being an increase in inner fire, endurance, courage and energy. The wearer of the fire opal can also benefit from the fact that it assists one to move one especially those who’ve been through abusive relationships, incest or rape by helping you let go of the past.
Black Opal is a gemstone used to release inhibitions. It gets the hidden emotions on the surface and frees your subconscious mind from the grip of negative emotions. It’s a stone that can increase your sexual appeal and also boost your sexual drive. The Black Opal realizes drivers of your passion and converts the fears withheld into optimism. This crystal also has far reaching healing properties that can restore a broken heart and harmonize your system.
The Blue Peruvian opal is said to be a stone of courage and leads to improved self-esteem to the wearer. The stone emanates soft energies that can be a huge aid in finding peace and reducing stress levels brought about from the daily activities. This stone also goes a long way in enhancing communication by relieving tension which leads to a free flow of ideas and higher creativity levels. Gemstone healers also claim that the stone can heal chronic fatigue syndrome, dizziness and brain disorders and even correct body metabolic issues.
Green Opals are mainly for rejuvenating the body and mind and reorienting oneself. It enables you to get a clear and reformed view of everyday life which can also be beneficial your relationships and improve your overall emotional status. The Green Opal promotes clarity in your spiritual endeavors and adds a boost of energy to life. The healing power of these stones goes deep to cover the immune system and prevents one from contacting various diseases including flu’s and colds.
The clear, water or white Opals are used for inner assessment as a spiritual mirror. They help you get a clear view of your dreams and work towards them and do a great deal of supporting spiritual journeys. As a healing stone, the White Opal regulates biorhythms keeping a stable energy balance between frenzied activity and complete inactivity. The white Opal also balances your human desires preventing the extreme ends, either pure appetite or lack of it. It can also be used to eliminate food related disorders.
Opal gemstones also have magical properties and the fact that one stone can possess different colors and energies makes them a suitable tool in spells and all manner of magical desires. They can be used to facilitate the process of Astral Projection and can serve as a monumental tool in developing psychic powers. For this an Opal gemstone worn as jewelry works best, either strapped into a headband or as earrings.
You should note that these stones are not crystals to toy around with; they possess immense power and amplify the wearer’s energy considerably. When worn by an optimist and a person who’s got a strong belief in a certain idea, the stone can reflect these ideas brilliantly and attract what you wish to attain. On the other hand, wearing this stone filled with negative emotions can lead to amplification of that negative energy and cause further complications and finally undesirable consequences.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gem Quality Opal

Opal gemstones have earned their place in the hearts of many and their value doesn’t just halt at being Australia’s number one natural gemstone. These rocks have girdled the globe with their beauty and every individual whose eye notices splendor would boldly agree that this rock is of no ordinary value. It’s one that many would give up their left feet for and it’s not so hard to figure out why.

Opal is ahydrated and amorphous form of the silica mineral. Their formation, as with any other mineral takes millions of years to occur with the gradual accumulation of high mineral content finally resulting in formation of beautiful Opal deposits. The stone is able to diffract and scatter light and create a breathtaking phenomenon of every visible light color from the spectrum. Its history has it connected with superstitious powers like invisibility and it’s also said to have healing and spiritual properties.

Opal is one of those stones associated with wealth, luxury, love and even better, a magnet of good fortune. It exists in a wide range of colors from transparent white all the way to red, green and blue shades. The types are also numerous with the major ones being black, white, crystal, fire and boulder opal. Black Opal is the most expensive and indeed the most precious form of this stone and the fire opal especially the Australian opal holds the red coloring, which is the rarest color. Australian opals are also the most widespread.

An Opal gemstone can be the most sparkling jewelry piece you hold but they also come with a downside. These Opal pieces require top notch maintenance practices so as to maintain their high priced value and so many occurrences can lead to their decline in quality. An Opal losing its moisture is one show you really don’t want to see, it causes a web of cracks and diminishes its beauty considerably. This can be caused by excessive heat or exposure to too much direct sunlight.
Even cutters have to treat these stones with respect. It takes a lot of skill to have the rock exposing its optimum color and save on its weight so that in the end user can enjoy its optimum flair. An Opal gemstone is one rock that you surely wish to have by your side and that’s not only because it’s a call for prosperity but also because it takes jewelry beauty to a whole new level.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Opals and Opal Jewelry winner at 2014 AGTA Spectrum Awards

opal and opal jewelry winners 2014
Opals have rightfully earned their title as one of the most beautiful gem stones of all time and their widespread popularity with each passing day continues to prove just that. These stones are an attention snatcher with their faithful light absorbing and emitting qualities and their existence in a wide array of colors further makes them even more striking. The stone’s latest victory yet was featuring in the 2014 AGTA Spectrum Awards, the most prestigious and by far the largest natural colored gemstone and cultured pearl display worldwide.
The rooms where this competition takes place is one carefully crafted for just this activity with natural light making its way through a wall of windows and the stones sparkle, glitter and even absorb the light producing the best scenery. The Spectrum Awards also paves way for fashion trends in the jewelry industries and a stone displayed here is assured of long term demand.
2014 got the AGTA Spectrum Awards in its 30th year and the jewelry pieces witnessed were breathtaking. The Opal gemstone caught the eyes of many in a 1363.96 ct heart shape called ‘Robot heart’ accented with diamonds featured in an 18 K Yellow Gold necklace which lit up in various different patterns thanks to its LED lights. It graciously gained the honor of topping as first place in the Fashion Forward category.
Another pop up of the Opal gemstone was in the Best Use of Color award. It earned its first place slot when Erica Courtney came forth with 22.84 cwt. boulder Opals featured in 18K yellow gold earrings and in the design incorporated 2.62ctw fire Opals. The mix of color was topped up by orange sapphires and some Paraiba Tourmalines that made the overall effect spectacular and way out of this world.
At second place in the Best Use of Pearls category, blue Opaldrops featured in 18K Yellow Gold earrings emanated an aura of sophistication and elegance when accented with Diamonds, Aquamarines and a little touch of grey sapphires. This beautiful collaboration of color and flamboyance was awarded in the Bridal Wear subcategory.
Opal gemstone is one stone that has proven to be of class and has set pace for the 2014 fashion trends in the Jewelry sector. The stone was able to feature in even more awards and the list can be gotten from the AGTA Spectrum Awards official website.

Opal: One of the Most Beautiful Gem Stones

In the quest to look truly unique and to develop a dazzling personal style, people are straying away from conventional gems like diamonds, rubies and emeralds and are looking to gemstones like Opal. Opal is basically made of silica and each crystal is completely unique and the crystal structure allows Opals to give off a variety of colors. Unlike many other precious gems, colorful opals are much more prized than solid-colored white ones and most of the opal in the world comes from Australia.

They are not only colorful, but they also tend to glow even in very low light making them extremely interesting and attention grabbing. The vivid hues of opals make them perfect show-stopping jewelry pieces. The colors of an opal can range from rose, magenta, green, brown, and blue, to red, orange and even black. Most importantly, a single opal gemstone can have all these colors at once making them truly striking. Imagine a deep blue opal with bright green specs embedded in a pure silver ring! No other gemstone can offer such an effect.
stunning Australian boulder opal
Truly dazzling gems
The more colorful an opal is and the more the colors dazzle, the more precious it is. Some of the best and most coveted opals in the world display almost all the colors in the visible spectrum. Moreover, as the opals move and change positions relative to the light source, they display different colors and this dynamic effect is truly unique. The opalescence or the play of color observed even in ordinary opals is truly unique and beautiful. A single precious opal gemstone can have iridescent green, blue, red, pink, grey, orange and even purple hues all together. Opaque white and green opals are the most common, whereas red set against black opals are quite rare.

The vivid colors – such as red against black and green against blue – add so much drama that there is no need for other pieces of jewelry. One show-stopping and eye-catching opal jewelry piece is enough to make a simple dress look fit for a grand event. Triple opals are opal gemstones with a clear layer of quartz on the top that is polished to a high shine. This makes the colors of the opal beneath to pop and the makes the whole gemstone dazzle. Such triple opals in large sizes are truly spectacular and make for excellent statement pieces of jewelry.

Queensland boulder opal

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Opal Fossils

Lightning Ridge - Black Opal Fossils

Lightning Ridge, located in northern New South Wales, is said to be the only place in the world where black opal fossils have been discovered. The region is rife with land-based organism fossils such as pinecones, platypuses and even huge dinosaurs. Fossils that have been found are remnants of plant, shell or bone material and are often made up of quality black opal that is said to be as valuable as a diamond.
Black opal fossils mined at Lightning Ridge also incorporate the remains of ; mussels, plants snails, crustaceans, plesiosaurs, fish, crocodiles, turtles and a host of other animals that walked the Earth millions of years ago. Deposits in Lightning Ridge now yield some of the most beautiful, rare fossils on the planet.
The fossils at Lightning Ridge are three dimensional organic objects that become trapped into both colourless potch, as well as precious opal. Most of the fossils at the Ridge are combinations of pseudomorph and replacement specimens. While the silica in the sediment has destroyed much of the bio molecular evidence, capillaries, marrow tissue, nerve channels and blood vessels, all remain perfectly preserved. When the potch is colourless, it is easily possible to see these fossils underneath the surface of these opalized remains.
The reason why these fossils are so well-preserved is because opal-dirt is very fine and therefore a perfect casting medium. Opal clay is made up of; Smectite, Kaolinite and Illite that give it its putty-like, malleable nature.
While most of these fossils are preserved in potch, it is not uncommon to find those with precious opal. Unfortunately, the heavy machinery used in excavation can often damage these fossils. This is why operations using picks and shovels are preferred in this area. Moreover, many of these fossils go unrecognized by miners only searching for colour.

South Australian Fossils

The Eromanga Sea covered the entire interior of the country approximately 100 to 120 million years ago. The shallow part of the sea was rich in aquatic life such as Ichthyusaurs, plesiosaurs, fish, ammonites, sharks and belemnites. Slow moving creatures like starfish, cockles, mussels and snails were found on the seabed. It is only the creatures that lay on the seabed that came into contact with the sediment required for fossilization. Some were infused with clear silica, while others were replaced by precious opal.
One of the areas that explorers have encountered much success in finding fossils is that of Moon Plain, situated approximately 35 km from Coober Pedy, South Australia. Moon Plain was a region that was once covered by sea, and filled with aquatic life. It is widely regarded as one of the most popular spot for palaeontologists.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Opal Nomenclature and Classification

Opal Nomenclature and Classification
Opal Classification differs depending on the nature of the opal. The following are the requisite details to be associated with each type of opal.

Natural Opal

  1. Opal Type
  2. Variety of opal (black opal, dark opal, light opal) based on the AGIA Body Tone Chart
  3. Diaphaneity or Transparency (in the case of a crystal opal)
  4. Weight and Dimensions

Treated Opal

  1. Opal Type
  2. Diaphaneity or Transparency
  3. Type of treatment used
  4. Weight and dimensions

Composite Opal

  1. Type of composite opal (Doublet, Triplet, Mosaic or Chip Opal)
  2. The type of treatment used, if any
  3. Dimensions

Synthetic and Imitation

  1. Gemological category (inclusive of manufacturer name)
  2. Body tone
  3. Type of opal (Doublet, Triplet, Mosaic or Chip)
  4. Weight and dimensions (if composite)

How to Use the New Opal Nomenclature

The new nomenclature for opals is universal, and does not pertain solely to Australia. The nomenclature has been decided upon keeping in mind previous standardized terminology. Its primary purpose is to offer a universal description of an opal stone so that it can be understood across the world.
There were a number of terms used previously when describing opals, which were found to be native to a certain region, and confusing to others. The new nomenclature has looked to remove these terms from the vocabulary associated with opal description. Some of the terms that are no longer used in opal description are; "grey" and "solid".
Since opal is only found in solid form, it is now considered illogical to use the term 'solid' to describe such stones. The term has now been revised to 'Natural Opal' in order to communicate the fact that the stone has not undergone any kind of artificial treatment or processing. Natural opal stones can then be further classified as 'opal', 'boulder opal' or 'matrix opal'.
The term 'body tone' was previously used to describe the relative lightness or darkness of an opal stone in comparison with others. Body tone refers to the color of the stone itself and not to the vibrancy and range of colors that the stone exhibits. A body tone scale with nine different color shades are used to identify the category to which an opal belongs.
'Play of colour' is the term used to describe the way in which an opal reflects and diffracts light. This process of diffraction is heavily dependent on the way in which the silica spheres that make up a stone are arranged and distributed.
There has been much debate regarding when to classify a stone as a crystal opal. The primary factor in determining whether a stone is a crystal opal or not is the degree of transparency or translucency it exhibits. In stones where the play of colour is excellent, it may become difficult to accurately ascertain what the stone's diaphaneity is. If a stone is only translucent, it is termed as a 'light opal'.
The new nomenclature has also looked to change the usage of terms like 'doublets' and 'triplets' to 'doublet opal' and 'triplet opal' respectively.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Black Opal vs. Boulder Opal

Opal Nomenclature and Classification
Classification differs depending on the nature of the opal. The following are the requisite details to be associated with each type of opal.

Natural Opal

  1. Opal Type
  2. Variety of opal (black opal, dark opal, light opal) based on the AGIA Body Tone Chart
  3. Diaphaneity or Transparency (in the case of a crystal opal)
  4. Weight and Dimensions

Treated Opal

  1. Opal Type
  2. Diaphaneity or Transparency
  3. Type of treatment used
  4. Weight and dimensions

Composite Opal

  1. Type of composite opal (Doublet, Triplet, Mosaic or Chip Opal)
  2. The type of treatment used, if any
  3. Dimensions

Synthetic and Imitation

  1. Gemological category (inclusive of manufacturer name)
  2. Body tone
  3. Type of opal (Doublet, Triplet, Mosaic or Chip)
  4. Weight and dimensions (if composite)

How to Use the New Opal Nomenclature

The new nomenclature for opals is universal, and does not pertain solely to Australia. The nomenclature has been decided upon keeping in mind previous standardized terminology. Its primary purpose is to offer a universal description of an opal stone so that it can be understood across the world.
There were a number of terms used previously when describing opals, which were found to be native to a certain region, and confusing to others. The new nomenclature has looked to remove these terms from the vocabulary associated with opal description. Some of the terms that are no longer used in opal description are; "grey" and "solid".
Since opal is only found in solid form, it is now considered illogical to use the term 'solid' to describe such stones. The term has now been revised to 'Natural Opal' in order to communicate the fact that the stone has not undergone any kind of artificial treatment or processing. Natural opal stones can then be further classified as 'opal', 'boulder opal' or 'matrix opal'.
The term 'body tone' was previously used to describe the relative lightness or darkness of an opal stone in comparison with others. Body tone refers to the color of the stone itself and not to the vibrancy and range of colors that the stone exhibits. A body tone scale with nine different color shades are used to identify the category to which an opal belongs.
'Play of colour' is the term used to describe the way in which an opal reflects and diffracts light. This process of diffraction is heavily dependent on the way in which the silica spheres that make up a stone are arranged and distributed.
There has been much debate regarding when to classify a stone as a crystal opal. The primary factor in determining whether a stone is a crystal opal or not is the degree of transparency or translucency it exhibits. In stones where the play of colour is excellent, it may become difficult to accurately ascertain what the stone's diaphaneity is. If a stone is only translucent, it is termed as a 'light opal'.
The new nomenclature has also looked to change the usage of terms like 'doublets' and 'triplets' to 'doublet opal' and 'triplet opal' respectively.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Opal Mining Safety on the Opal Fields

Opal Mining Safety on the Opal Fields
Australia produces approximately 90 percent of all the opal in the jewellery market, with Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs in New South Wales being the most dominant opal fields. Visitors looking to fossick or 'spec' for an opal field will first be required to gain permission from relevant landowners.

A Warning

Opal mining is a rigorous and dangerous profession that requires individuals to take a number of precautions. Below are some important safety procedures that must be followed:
  • Do not let inexperienced individuals into underground mine workings alone.
  • Every person taken underground must be instructed comprehensively or supervised at all times.
  • Every individual going underground must carry a light.
  • Unfamiliar mining areas must be classified as dangerous and should be secured against visitor entry.
  • Never position a winze in the middle of a drive or cross-cut.
  • School children will require complete supervision at all times.

Fossick in Safety

While it is generally considered safe to fossick in established opal fields, young children must always be monitored at all times. All fossickers must make their presence known to the local miners in the area. Many opal mining companies use heavy mining and earthmoving equipment that may even be automated.
Children must be kept away from shafts, drill holes and open cuts. These holes may be filled with water and disguised by plant growth. Moreover, old shafts and drill holes that have not been maintained may collapse under pressure.
Fossickers are also advised to stay away from old underground workings without the presence of professional, experienced miners. Unstable ground, stale air, lack of oxygen and unprotected openings are some of the dangers that fossickers may face. It is important to note that fossicking may only be carried out up to a depth of one metre, with all holes filled up after activity is complete. They are also warned not to fossick into the sides of previous excavations. Fossickers must wear strong and durable clothing, inclusive of shoes and a hard hat. Inform individuals of your whereabouts before you begin fossicking. Keep a first aid kit handy at all times. Snakes must be avoided at all times.

Fossicking Equipment

  • Pick
  • Shovels
  • Pans
  • Sieves
  • Tweezers and a Hand Lens to help identify stones
  • Hat
  • Insect Repellent
  • Boots
  • Small Collecting Jars

Code of Conduct

Opal fields in New South Wales are located on pastoral grounds so it is important for visitors to understand that they are working on fields that are owned by someone else. Leave animals at home, and collect any garbage that belongs to you. Visitors are also requested to read the full code of conduct that can be obtained from the Department of Mineral Resources offices.

Monday, December 5, 2016

How Does Our Opal Classification System Work?

Where Do Opals Get Their Colour?
Opals can display all the colours of a rainbow in an iridescent and moving pattern of purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, red and any other colour. This can take a number of captivating forms and this colour movement across the stone face is referred to as “play of colour”.


Opal owes its origin to silica filled waters; at low temperatures, silica gel precipitated to form nodules or layers of opal in veins, fissures and cavities of sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
Opal itself is the amorphous kind of silica and chemically, nearer to quartz. It contains about three percent to 21 percent water within the mineral structure. Opals which are of gemstone quality generally contain six percent to 10 percent water.

Kinds of Opals

Opals are of three kinds, Precious opal, Fire opal and Common opal. Precious opal can be identified by the characteristic “play of colour” when the stone is tilted and rotated. Fire opal is a translucent or transparent opal, which ranges in colour from yellow to orange and then to bright red. Common opal or “potch” as it is popularly known is generally white or colourless. However, if fine-grained impurities are present in the potch, then it can be of brown, gray, red or yellow colour. This comprises about 90 percent of all opal found in the market and has negligible commercial value.

Reason for Colour

Opals display their characteristic “play of colour” due to diffraction. Water percolates through earth if suitable conditions exist. Silicates present in the soil dissolve the water to form a saturated solution. When such water enters into a cavity, the silicates are deposited as tiny spheres. The precipitated silica sphere layers form a water mass similar to jelly, with a diffraction grating being produced when spheres are of even size and ordered. This arrangement of diffraction grating generates a rainbow-like, sparkling light play from the stone.
The main cause of play of colour is due to uniformity of those tiny spheres, with a diameter that is one-tenth the size of a micron. Common opal is created when these spheres have a random arrangement and shape. If the spheres are regular in shape and size, then there is an evident play of colour. The colours generated by regularly packed spheres, which make up the opal's internal structure, depend upon the sphere sizes and the spaces between them. If the stone is moved, light hits spheres from different angles and a change in colour is perceived.
Colour generated is dependent on the sphere size. Small spheres of less than 150 nm produce violets and blues, while bigger spheres less than 350 nm generate oranges and reds. The more uniform the spheres' sizes, the more brilliant and intense colours it will generate.

Where Do Opals Get Their Color?

Where Do Opals Get Their Colour?
Opals can display all the colours of a rainbow in an iridescent and moving pattern of purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, red and any other colour. This can take a number of captivating forms and this colour movement across the stone face is referred to as “play of colour”.


Opal owes its origin to silica filled waters; at low temperatures, silica gel precipitated to form nodules or layers of opal in veins, fissures and cavities of sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
Opal itself is the amorphous kind of silica and chemically, nearer to quartz. It contains about three percent to 21 percent water within the mineral structure. Opals which are of gemstone quality generally contain six percent to 10 percent water.

Kinds of Opals

Opals are of three kinds, Precious opal, Fire opal and Common opal. Precious opal can be identified by the characteristic “play of colour” when the stone is tilted and rotated. Fire opal is a translucent or transparent opal, which ranges in colour from yellow to orange and then to bright red. Common opal or “potch” as it is popularly known is generally white or colourless. However, if fine-grained impurities are present in the potch, then it can be of brown, gray, red or yellow colour. This comprises about 90 percent of all opal found in the market and has negligible commercial value.

Reason for Colour

Opals display their characteristic “play of colour” due to diffraction. Water percolates through earth if suitable conditions exist. Silicates present in the soil dissolve the water to form a saturated solution. When such water enters into a cavity, the silicates are deposited as tiny spheres. The precipitated silica sphere layers form a water mass similar to jelly, with a diffraction grating being produced when spheres are of even size and ordered. This arrangement of diffraction grating generates a rainbow-like, sparkling light play from the stone.
The main cause of play of colour is due to uniformity of those tiny spheres, with a diameter that is one-tenth the size of a micron. Common opal is created when these spheres have a random arrangement and shape. If the spheres are regular in shape and size, then there is an evident play of colour. The colours generated by regularly packed spheres, which make up the opal's internal structure, depend upon the sphere sizes and the spaces between them. If the stone is moved, light hits spheres from different angles and a change in colour is perceived.
Colour generated is dependent on the sphere size. Small spheres of less than 150 nm produce violets and blues, while bigger spheres less than 350 nm generate oranges and reds. The more uniform the spheres' sizes, the more brilliant and intense colours it will generate.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Opal Cutting & Polishing - How to Cut and Polish an Opal

A beautiful opal ring setting or necklace is preceded by a lot of time and effort invested in the gemstone. The process involves individuals who specialize in niche skills.

Preliminary Stages

The first step to jewelry grade opal creation is to buy raw opals directly from opal mining companies. These are rough rocks and untouched, except in the course of the mining process. The buyers at this stage are the gemstone artisans. The trade name of unfinished opal is “parcel” and parcels are large quantities of the gemstone in their most durable and roughest states.
Potential buyers of opal gemstones sort through parcels and try to predict the stone values which will be ultimately produced from the rough material. This calculation is not easy as the skill of cutting and polishing the opal stone is an extremely specialized one. What complicates the process even more is that with each progressive cutting, the malleability of the opal stones decreases.
Opal Cutting & Polishing - How to Cut and Polish an Opal

Intermediate Stages

After the opal cutter has decided on his hoard, a diamond saw is utilized to cut rough opal into the “rubs”. The end of the slicing process would result in the opal being cut into the fundamental stone shape.
At this stage the opal stone roughly resembles the image of the finished stone as imagined by the cutter, who attempts to minimize waste and maximize the size of the precious stone. This is carefully done as each cutting reduces the stone size. Clean and warm water is used during the opal cutting process to avoid any overheating caused by friction. The stone can be “burned” or cracked if exposed to extreme temperatures. Undesirable, small pits are formed when a stone is burned.
After the saw cutting process, the opal stone is placed on “dop sticks” made out of lengths of wood doweling or nails. Heated wax is then used to adhere the opal to the tip of the stick; this allows greater control. The opal cutter decides on the face of a particular stone, which is dependent on the best shape and color that can be brought out.


The opal cutter then uses diamond grinding wheels to shape and perfect the opal. It is important to eradicate imperfections on the stone like saw marks and sand spots. The stone face is made to be cabochon-shaped (a dome shape) and the final shape depends on the quality of the stone. The stone size must be kept as big as possible throughout the process.
The last stage sees the stone being polished. Some traditional cutters use cerium or tin oxide whereas many newer cutters use extremely fine diamond powder. It imparts a stunning sheen to the opal. The gemstone is now an alluring and spectacular investment.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How is Opal Formed? - the Geology of Opal

How is Opal Formed? - the Geology of Opal
Geological factors linked with the formation of opal are still being researched and are subjects of active discussion among geologists, miners and opal prospectors.
There are three primary models for the formation of opals and although they are independent of each other, a link may exist among them.

Weathering Model

A majority of the opals recovered from opal fields in Lightening Ridge are found close to the top of many Finch clay facies lenses just underneath the overlying part of Wallangulla Sandstone Member. When these opal fields are geologically mapped, it is seen that the thickest sandstone is found in areas with the largest concentration of opal. The gemstone is rarely found in places where sandstone is scarce.
This data concurs with the view that weathered sandstone is the silica source for opal formation. The finding of opal in upper reaches of Finch clay facies is in accordance with a concept of siliceous solutions (a ground water and silica mix) percolated down from Wallangulla Sandstone Member (the source rock) by impervious barrier of clay fades or opal dirt.
Additional factors for opal formation involve:
  • The alteration from alkaline to acidic environment
  • Presence of ferric oxide, magnesium oxide or aluminum oxide
  • sodium sulphate or sodium chloride being present

Syntectonic Model

This geographical model forwards the view that the opal created from the mineral enriched waters rising to the land surface under substantial pressure through breccia and fault pipes. Tectonic and large scale geological processes forced water hydraulically into faults and fractures. After the water is dissipated into lower pressure areas, opal gets deposited as the veins.
The basic concepts linked with syntectonic model are;
  • Development of opal occurred post rock formation where it is available.
  • The gemstone was formed comparatively swiftly
  • Blows and faults are prerequisites for opal formation in a particular area.

Microbe Model

The claystone containing opal normally contains significant quantities of organic matter which were fossilized thousands of years ago. Many categories of aerobic bacteria along with microbe fossils have been marked with opal samples from Lightning Ridge immediate area.
When the deposition of cretaceous sediments, a luxury of smectite clay and organic matter inside a few sediments offered an ideal ecology for microbe breeding. Enzymes and waste acids excreted by microbes resulted in weathering of feldspars and clay minerals by chemical means in rocks. The ultimate result of feeding and then production of waste resulted in favorable conditions for opal formation.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Opal Rings for Men - Tips and Ideas

Opal Rings for Men - Tips and Ideas
Opal rings look great on anyone. Most men prefer the large opal solid. If you want to make a statement, the gemstone to go for is the black opal . However, they carry an aspirational price tag.
A man can also go for an inlaid opal or a doublet or solid opal. The majority of opal rings are set with claw settings which are more suitable for women. Men should preferably go for “rub over” settings that appear spartan, sleek and with minimal feminine touch. An opal ring made for a man could be big and diamonds may also be set adjacent to the opal to multiply the opal's appeal.

Boulder Appeal

Men should preferably go for the boulder opal, which is a handsome gem and is perfect for creating opal rings for the masculine sex. Among boulder opals, the undulating opal category is most popular among men. Boulder opal is mined from Queensland in Australia. This type of opal has ironstone as a host rock, and when the ironstone is cut and polished, it transforms into the back of opal solid.
Opal is best set into a 14 carat gold ring as it occupies the perfect place between soft and hard. Nobby opal extracted from Lightning Ridge in Australia is considered the best to set, due to the ability of the opal to display a high dome or cabochon. In the process of cutting and polishing the stone, the cutter decides the way it will bet cut and polished with a dome to acquire the best carat weight and size.

Buying Opal Gemstone

You must take into account the mix of the type of opal, its brilliance, size, pattern and colour. Once you decided on the quality and type of opal, it filters down to selecting the opal colour you find most attractive and one which fits your budget.
  • Background colour and type: It is the main factor in determining opal value. Black opal demands a higher price than crystal opal. White or milky opal is the most economical of all opals.
  • Size: The bigger the opal the more valuable it is. The unit of measurement is carats.
  • Brilliance: The more vibrant the colour, the greater is its value. An opal with a single pulsating colour is more valuable compared to a dull stone with multiple colours.
The price of the opal ring is dependent on the stone type and setting you select.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Opal Engagement Rings - Tips and Ideas

Opal Engagement Rings - Tips and Ideas
Opal rings are favored as engagement rings as colours bewitchingly appear and disappear to the thrall of the wearer. The gemstone was known from ancient times for its supposedly magical properties.


The Greeks considered it as a prophetic stone. According to ancient legend, the Roman senator Nonius elected to choose exile rather than to sell his opal stone to the Roman General Mark Anthony. The General wanted it as his gift to the famed beauty and Egyptian Pharoah Cleopatra.
Opal is known for its intoxicating colours. It is said that no opal stone completely resembles any other in the world. The colours of every opal are unique and exciting. Opal is considered as a harbinger of great fortune.

A Piece of Stunning Distinctiveness

Many couples choose opal as a mark of distinctiveness and to move away from the traditional diamond ring. Since opal is soft, it is supported by a disk to impart protection and showcase the fire within.
White and black opals are known for their stunning sampling of colours. The eye catching fire inside the stone can be made stunningly beautiful if great work is done on it. However, since opal is much softer compared to diamonds (5 or 6 on the Mohs scale compared to the 10 of diamond) and almost equal to glass, the stones need better care to prevent it from being scratched or chipped. It is recommended that tap water be used for cleaning the stone.
The Australian black opal and white fire opal are two of the more popular options for opal engagement rings.

Tips to Help You Select an Opal Ring

If you are choosing for a man, select the bezel or “rub over” setting. The rub over settings protect the opal stone. Gold is molded to form a thin bezel which covers and follows the stone edge, thus protecting the stone from impact and also ensure that the stone remains securely in place.
Boulder opal is sturdier. Queensland boulder opal is comparatively more robust due to its backing of hard natural ironstone and is perfect as an engagement opal ring. Other suitable opals are white opalscrystal opals and black opals. Another advantage of boulder opals is that they allow for more creativity in design. It is advisable to buy a stone which has a low carbochon (dome on top). Stones with high carbochon are more susceptible to impact damage.
In a sentence opals can make for stunning engagement rings, if you make the correct choice and treat the stone with care.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The History of Opal

The History of Opal
Opal is regarded as one of five precious gemstones in the world, the other four being emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond. Like a snowflake, each opal is unique.

Discovery and Beauty

This precious gem is believed to be discovered almost 4,000 years ago and a great number of myths and folklore around it are found in almost all cultures. Opal artifacts in Kenya date about 6,000 years back. Recent archaeological excavations have proved that Aztecs mined opal in Central and South America in the same period.
In Vedic or ancient India, the stone was referred to as a Goddess of Rainbow, who turned to stone. Ancient Arabs believed that opal fell from the sky and the colour play inside it is actually lightning. The Arabs believed that opal has the power to make its wearer invisible.
Opal was believed to have considerable healing powers in a number of world cultures, which persisted to the middle ages. In that time, the stone became known as the Opthalmius or the Eye Stone and many held the belief that it strengthened the eyesight.

Opal and Spain

There is a tale about opal that was very popular in 19th century Spain. The then Spanish emperor King Alfonso XII had been gifted a ring made of opal from an unforgiving Comtesse he had courted previously. The king presented the ring to the queen, his wife, who then died unexpectedly. The ring then passed from owner to owner who all died in mysterious ways. The king himself decided to wear it and he too died. The real reason was the cholera epidemic, but many believed that it was due to the bad effects of the opal ring. The whereabouts of that opal ring remain a mystery to this day.

Opal and Bad Luck

In the 19th century, opal acquired a reputation for bad luck. A number of theories have been cited as the cause, but most historians agree that the cause of all the misplaced notion can be traced back to the Sir Walter Scott authored novel “Anne of Geierstein” in 1829. The public read the first two volumes of the three volume book and mistakenly assumed that since the magic opal mentioned in the book discolours on being touched by holy water then the stone must be cursed. This wrong notion destroyed the sale of opal at that time and prices nearly halved in that period.

Role of Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria did not believe that opals are the carriers of bad luck. She was a great lover of opals and wore them regularly and also gifted them to her daughters. The Queen has been credited with turning the perception of opal around and helping it regain popularity.