The Opal gemstone is one that has grabbed the attention of many, some praise it simply because of its glamorous beauty while others could swear by its spiritual properties. The Opal stone has its history dated millions of years back and is an amorphous form of silicon with a chemical formula SiO2.nH2O. It’s one of the few rocks that have developed love throughout the world especially when it comes to meditation and spiritual properties and everyone is convinced of the fact that these gemstones hold immense energy.
For the physical properties, the Opal is quite a thing and it holds a original crystalline structure. The water content is one of the reasons that actually maintain its appeal and when lost, the stone may go cloudy or worse crack. The different Opal varieties have slightly varying hardness but it typically dances at 7 on the Mohs scale which makes it quite a delicate rock compared to the hard champion diamond at 10. This makes it very sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture.
Apart from the physical properties, the opal gemstones boast of metaphysical qualities and the different color variations of the rock are used for different spiritual gains but generally the water content collates with your emotions, amplifies your feelings and clears the imagination. The crystal can help you realize your glowing inner flames and motivate the development and improvement of spiritual and mystical pursuits.
Fire Opal complements the active positive thinker well. They fill the soul with great joy and encourage the flow of emotions. The orange red tones have a wide impact on the psyche and they channel peace and harmony with the overall effect of the stone being an increase in inner fire, endurance, courage and energy. The wearer of the fire opal can also benefit from the fact that it assists one to move one especially those who’ve been through abusive relationships, incest or rape by helping you let go of the past.
Black Opal is a gemstone used to release inhibitions. It gets the hidden emotions on the surface and frees your subconscious mind from the grip of negative emotions. It’s a stone that can increase your sexual appeal and also boost your sexual drive. The Black Opal realizes drivers of your passion and converts the fears withheld into optimism. This crystal also has far reaching healing properties that can restore a broken heart and harmonize your system.
The Blue Peruvian opal is said to be a stone of courage and leads to improved self-esteem to the wearer. The stone emanates soft energies that can be a huge aid in finding peace and reducing stress levels brought about from the daily activities. This stone also goes a long way in enhancing communication by relieving tension which leads to a free flow of ideas and higher creativity levels. Gemstone healers also claim that the stone can heal chronic fatigue syndrome, dizziness and brain disorders and even correct body metabolic issues.
Green Opals are mainly for rejuvenating the body and mind and reorienting oneself. It enables you to get a clear and reformed view of everyday life which can also be beneficial your relationships and improve your overall emotional status. The Green Opal promotes clarity in your spiritual endeavors and adds a boost of energy to life. The healing power of these stones goes deep to cover the immune system and prevents one from contacting various diseases including flu’s and colds.
The clear, water or white Opals are used for inner assessment as a spiritual mirror. They help you get a clear view of your dreams and work towards them and do a great deal of supporting spiritual journeys. As a healing stone, the White Opal regulates biorhythms keeping a stable energy balance between frenzied activity and complete inactivity. The white Opal also balances your human desires preventing the extreme ends, either pure appetite or lack of it. It can also be used to eliminate food related disorders.
Opal gemstones also have magical properties and the fact that one stone can possess different colors and energies makes them a suitable tool in spells and all manner of magical desires. They can be used to facilitate the process of Astral Projection and can serve as a monumental tool in developing psychic powers. For this an Opal gemstone worn as jewelry works best, either strapped into a headband or as earrings.
You should note that these stones are not crystals to toy around with; they possess immense power and amplify the wearer’s energy considerably. When worn by an optimist and a person who’s got a strong belief in a certain idea, the stone can reflect these ideas brilliantly and attract what you wish to attain. On the other hand, wearing this stone filled with negative emotions can lead to amplification of that negative energy and cause further complications and finally undesirable consequences.
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