Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How to Care for Opals

How to Care for Opals 
Did you know that www.Anderson-Beattie.com provides each customer who purchases opal jewelry through our website with a high quality silver and gold cleaning cloth? Each purchase will automatically receieve this opal jewelry cleaning cloth free of charge at the time of purchase. RRP $7.95 USD
It is first important to understand that there are different kinds of opals, and each of them need to be treated differently:


Doublets are made up of two individual layers. The first layer is black backing that is usually made of some black industrial material or black potch (colourless opal). The second layer is a thin slice of opal.


Triplets are made up of three distinguishable layers. The first is the black backing, the second layer that lies in between is a thin slice of opal, and the third layer is that of reflective glass or quartz that protects the opal, as well as magnifies the light being reflected through it.

Solid Opal

Solid opal is the most valuable kind of stone and is made up only of naturally mined and cut opal.

Caring for your Opal

It is always recommended to clean solid opal by using a mild detergent and a soft damp cloth. Immersing it any kind of liquid does nothing to prolong its life. It is not advisable to use heavy-duty chemical detergents or cleaners when cleaning your opalDoublets and triplets must never be immersed in any liquid as this may affect the adhesive that holds the different layers together.
It is also not recommended to use any kind of ultrasonic cleaner when cleaning your opal as these vibrations may cause cracks in the stone.
In the event that your opal has lost its colour, or gotten scratched, you may be wise to take it to an opal cutter immediately. Professionals will polish your opal and bring it back to its original condition. 

Storing Opals

Storing your opal need not be a difficult task. If you are not planning on wearing your opal stone, you can simply place the stone within a padded cloth bag and store it wherever you wish. It is advisable to use a padded bag because it will offer your stone some protection from drops or impacts. In cases where the stone is going to be stored for prolonged periods, using cotton wool dabbed in a few drops of water to wrap and seal it is effective. The water is not meant to seep into the stone but prevent water from coming out of the stone in the event that it is exposed to conditions of low humidity.

How to clean your Opal Jewelry

  1. polish directly on jewelry (use when jewelry is dry)
  2. follow with dry clean cloth or tissue
  3. in case of wearing or containing food, rinse with water or clean with normal detergent
  4. if silver jewelry still be dirty, you can repeat whole process again, until it is cleaned
How to clean opal jewelry

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